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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

To renew, or not to renew

It's been almost a full year, and I'm sad to say that my access to all of the United Club's as I fly is coming to an end.  I originally got in on the deal by spending miles (which may not have been the smartest decision at the time, but saved me spending $500 in cash).  Now that I'm a 1K, the price to renew the membership has gone down slightly but up $25 from where it was before (so for me, $400):

Effective January 1, 2013, United Club annual membership rates will increase by $25 and membership-with-spouse rates will increase by up to $100 (thanks TPG). 

While I've enjoyed the ability to access the clubs during longer wait times, I'm having a hard time justifying spending the $ to renew again.  Word also has it that the miles option is still available but by phone only, so I could go that route again.  But I'd be giving up a 50,000 mile redemption option for a future overseas flight. 


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